The Day Before – Yun-Woo Son
Frankly, I don’t remember much
About what happened in the past.
All I know was that it was Thursday,
The day before the last.
Everyone was sharing joy, for
Friday was nearly here.
But what we didn’t know, we didn’t see
Is that Friday would disappear.
“So then Thursday is the last day!
Why call it the day before?”
Well, nature doesn’t work time for us
Because doing so would be a chore.
Friday was the last day of
The week when things were fine.
No one thought that it was the start
Where things would begin to decline.
But Thursday was at least okay
I still had lots of fun. I
Remember playing games in gym
Without knowing they’d be my last ones.
I remember the joy of meeting friends
The joy of talking and chatting
The joy of linking arms together
The joy of giggling and laughing.
I smile to this day when I
Think of the happy days
It makes me grateful while being stuck in
What seems like a horror maze.
Some might say, “Stop looking back!
Don’t dwell on such a past!”
Ah, but, sometimes that’s all we do if it was
The day before the last