Hobbies During Quarantine


We have come a long way from that fateful day in March of 2020. The day school was canceled and we all thought we would be out of school for two weeks and then get right back into the groove of things. Except that never happened. Millions of people are still stuck at home with more time on their hands than they’ve ever had. So what did we do with all of that time on our hands? What hobbies were developed over quarantine that made it a little more bearable? 

I started quarantine off as many others did: happy for the time off but certain that it wouldn’t last long. And so I used that time to catch up on books, sleep, movies, and TV shows. I unwillingly did school work and started the cycle again. As days passed and COVID got worse, the time that I was so happy for seemed to become a prison. Inexperienced with not seeing friends and family for so long put me on edge. School dragged on and there was little to no motivation to even get out of bed and do school work.

I had recently joined Knitting Club at school before everything shut down, and although it helped, it wasn’t a hobby that I found myself thinking about. My mom and sister had to continue going to work while I was left alone at home. I gave up on schoolwork and knitting, and my focus shifted to TikTok. 

At the time, everything was the same: talking about quarantine and enjoying the time we had off. But as time progressed I started to get videos of people talking about things they started to try to keep themselves from falling into a depressive episode. The one that caught my attention was cooking and baking. 

I’ve spent a lot of time in the kitchen since then. I’ve cooked with countless ingredients and tried new recipes. I have even perfected my sugar cookie recipe! I now cook dinner for my family when my mom is too tired, and I can bake dessert whenever I want something sweet to eat. 

Weeks ago, I sent out a questionnaire asking the Shaker Student Body what their hobbies during the quarantine were and their reason for doing it. Here are the responses: 

There were many people who took the route of making things. Many did different forms of art, others like me cooked and baked, and some started to knit, crochet, sew and even embroider!

Other students took up outside activities and started engaging in different sports, going on hikes, taking walks, and exercising. For those who would rather spend their time inside, they replied with reading, journaling, playing and learning new instruments, singing, gaming, writing, and cleaning.

The last responses were ones that I wasn’t familiar with. Rhythm games, computer building, and making custom mechanical keyboards. Although not very common— at least to me— they are still very interesting and valid as a hobby. 

There are so many hobbies out there, and the one thing they had in common was that they helped with anxieties and uncertainties in such a scary time. Not only do these hobbies do that, but they also help with improving motor skills, reaction times, and keeping the mind and body active. 

These are just a few of the hobbies that you can try out, even just for a week. They may not seem like much, but these various hobbies have helped many people. So why not give it a try?