I have one question– what were your New Year’s goals? You know, the ones you made 3 months ago? Yeah, those ones. Was it to not sleep all day, to get more fresh air, to study more, to work out more, to talk to more people? If it was any of these things, then come help support Tom Breslin: Director of Parks, Recreation, and public fitness equipment. Such fitness equipment is beneficial to adults including the disabled and elderly. With US obesity being the highest they have ever been, it is important that we implement new equipment in our parks. This is especially true when we have obesity rates ranging from 21-41% in women and 16-41% in men. If you don’t have time to go to a gym, or can’t pay for an expensive membership fee, new public fitness equipment will allow you to still receive the benefits of going outside and exercising. Additionally, you can bring your friends and family who might not want to go to the gym, but would be willing to go to Crossings.
Join us in putting in better public fitness equipment at the Crossings for those who are adults, seniors, and/or disabled!